Should B2B Brands Go The Influencer Marketing Route?
“Can influencer marketing really work in my industry?”
“I don’t sell consumer products…I run a B2B business; my industry is boring…how can influencer marketing work for me?”
If I had a dollar for every time I had been asked these questions, I would be competing with Zucks for his place on the world’s billionaire’s list.
Most marketers and business owners tend to think influencer marketing is only applicable in a few select industries.
This is not true.
The fact that there are experts, opinion and thought leaders, and other go-to persons in every industry implies that influencer marketing can work in almost every industry and B2B Brands looking to reach a specific target audience can leverage the trust these experts have built in that industry.
However, B2B Influencer marketing has its peculiarities.
For one, deciding which influencer to work with based solely on their social media reach will most assuredly guarantee that you will miss many of the truly influential people that your customers respect but are not very active on social media.
A way around this to consider their influence quotient that is how strong is their ability to influence people and secure opportunities in the industry whether or not they have a huge following on social media.
Some of these influencers would include speakers, writers, thinkers, podcasters, authors, and professionals in your industry.
They are not your regular social media influencers but they have domain expertise and are well respected in the industry.
These are the influencers you should be talking to.