You need to launch
Businesses fail for different reasons.
Oftentimes, because the product is shitty and they could not sell at all or enough to make a profit.
But many times, businesses fail because their product launches fail.
You’ve heard that a good product sells itself, but that is hardly true.
You need a solid launch strategy to sell even the best products.
Think Apple.
From solopreneurs to SMEs, startups to large corporations, the story is the same:
Most attempts at launching a product or service fail.
Even the Apples of this world haven’t always been the product launch experts they are today.
For a business to succeed, it needs to develop products people want and LAUNCH successfully.
That is how Apple became the $2 trillion business it is today.
Launching one product successfully. And doing it again and again.
From the iPod to the iPhone to the Mac, to the Apple Watch, and so on.
One successful product launch after another.
That is what we need as business owners.