I’m launching a business newsletter III

Gbenga Sogbaike
2 min readOct 16, 2024


In my previous posts, I shared two reasons you should subscribe to my business newsletter. If you missed the posts, click here and here to read them:

The third and last reason you’d love the newsletter is that it will help you determine how different businesses work.

Like understanding the business of the business.

For example, the business of restaurants is more than just making nice meals.

The business of a marketing agency is not launching and managing marketing campaigns.

You could have all the skills needed to make a meal and still fail at running a restaurant.

You could be a fantastic marketer and still fail at running a marketing agency.

Because you do not understand the business side of the business.

And that’s what I wish to help you figure out through my business newsletter.

I need this knowledge too.

For each edition of the newsletter, I will talk about what you need to know about the business of a specific type of business.

I’ll scan through news items, interviews, archived press clippings, reports, and rare footage to write useful newsletters about the workings of different businesses and industries.

It’s like your friend sending you an email about something new they just found.

You will be exposed to the business side of everything I find interesting, from the mundane to the bizarre, from serious to the utterly strange.

From the business of love tourism to the business of female football, from renting out an entire private airforce for millions of dollars to generating billions of dollars in revenue just organizing fights.

My promise to you is that you will learn something new about the business side of things and enjoy reading the newsletter.


I plan to send out the first edition of the newsletter this Thursday, October 17th, 2024.

To subscribe, click this link: https://reprznt.com/untitled-newsletter/

As a special thank you, you’ll receive a gift in your email after signing up!



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